Tuesday, June 20, 2017

THAT Was Added?

Sup guys! I have plenty of news to cover!

First of all, if you love underwater houses and items, then boy is there a treat for you. The SANDCASTLE has been added and it's the BIGGEST den that's ever been made for underwater. I previewed it, and it is MASSIVE. Not only that, but new items involving sandcastles have been added as well!

Introducing the Sandcastle Sconce, the Sandcastle Tapestry, and the Sandcastle Chair!
Travel to Kani Cove to get these awesome pieces of furniture!

Also the Summer Carnival is back on!
All new items were added like the Pizza Hat and the Pineapple Hat! My personal favorite of the clothes is the sombrero.

It looks shady and covers the eyes, which is what I generally look for. If you're interested in it, it's at a price of 4,000 tickets. That's a lot, but I think it's worth it. I'm trying to save up to buy it.

The Sandcastle is exciting news for the underwater community. And now pet DOLPHINS are available! They are adorable, and I bought one myself. He's sneaky, and loves lava lamps. He's awfully cute, too!


As for news on the blog, I'm going to be adding a new section where I give tips on games. For instance, I will give tips on how to always win on the Jamaa Derby. By the way, look forward to that one, because that's the first game I'll cover. 

Anyways, that's all that I got right now. I can't wait to see you in the next post!

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hey, before you comment please read this:

when you comment make sure not to say any bad things (keep appropriate for all ages)
dont be mean to anyone. that includes calling people mean names and maybe it might be mean to ME. I will maybe just delete it anyway bye! :3